
PIX Integration

nTokens’ BRL Stablecoin is now fully integrated into PIX - the new instant payment service in the Brazilian financial system.

PIX innovates Brazilian payments and bank transfers in a completely new environment. PIX users (banks, businesses and the retail public) can now execute instant payments 24x7. Being more secure, fast, and less expensive than previous transference methods available, PIX is bound to revolutionize the Brazilian Financial market.

With that in mind, nTokens is the first stablecoin to integrate on/off ramp services to PIX. Our users can now connect their FIAT Reais to BRL digital tokens in a programmable and instant manner.

If you are currently relying on previous transfer method please let us know and we can guide you through the new features available as well as potential impacts to APIs and expected behaviour.

Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

nTokens - LIFT cycle.


These were intensive 5 months! During the last few months, nTokens has been dedicated to innovating Brazilian financial markets. This was a group endeavour: at each weekly meeting, over a dozen of Central Bank officials, project developpers by Fenasbach and other visiting researchers would put our minds together to push for new ways of money technology under Brazilian regulation.

LIFT (Financial Technology Innovation Lab) is coordinated by the Brazilian Central Bank and Fenasbac. nTokens’s was the first approved project with specific application of blockchain technology on the tokenization of money, cross-border payments, or stablecoins. Our project focus on the use of stablecoins in FX settlement.

The novel part of the project involves the entanglement of centralized registration of FX transactions and atomic settlement of distributed ledger (Stellar network). This solution delivers a fast and more secure settlement with stronger control for KYC and AML.

Transactions can be fully automated and operate in a 24x7 continuous mode. Considering compliance requirements, it allows for multiple players to post prices and interact with the same order book, thus reducing spreads and allowing more efficient price discovery.

One critical step of the project was to provide a solution for an eventual CBDC deployed as a national digital tender. Support by Central Bank officers and the open, academic-style debate of LIFT meetings were key to having our prototype fully CDBD compatible.

Our many thanks to Fenasbac, the Central Bank of Brazil and the many people directly involved in making it happen!

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

Sandbox CVM - em parceria com SMU, Átris e Demarest, nTokens tokeniza valores mobiliários.

5 / Jan / 2022

A CVM - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - lançou, em 15/5/20, a Instrução CVM 626, que regulamenta a constituição e o funcionamento do sandbox regulatório.

O sandbox é uma nova abordagem regulatória destinada a fomentar a inovação em atividades regulamentadas, e vem sendo utilizada com sucesso por diversos reguladores do mercado de capitais em jurisdições estrangeiras.

O sandbox regulatório da CVM é um ambiente experimental em que os participantes admitidos receberão autorizações temporárias e condicionadas para desenvolver inovações em atividades regulamentadas no mercado de capitais, e terão sua trajetória monitorada e orientada pela CVM.

A nTokens não poderia ficar de fora: sob liderança da plataforma de investimentos SMU e tendo o Demarest advogados e a Atris/Digitra.com como sócios.

Nosso projeto cria um mercado secundário para negociação de valores mobiliários originados em investimentos via crowdfunding. Para o completo funcionamento do mercado o programa de Sandbox prevê ainda as licenças de administradora de mercado de balcão organizado, e escrituração de valores mobiliários.

Mais uma vez, a nTokens na vanguarda de desenvolvimento de tecnologia para o mercado financeiro, sempre em adequação e harmonia com a regulação.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

nTokens aprovada no LIFT

1 / Jul / 2021

LIFT - Laboratório de Inovações Financeiras e Tecnológicas - coordenado pela Fenasbac e Banco Central do Brasil é uma iniciativa de desenvolvimento conjunto para a modernização do Sistema Financeiro Nacional.

Fomos selecionados para participar do programa que acontece no segundo semestre de 2021. Nosso projeto desenvolve um protótipo de registro de contatos de câmbio sobre uma estrutura de liquidação em blockchain.

A estrutura básica usada seguirá os processo de depósito, emissão e resgate de Reais disponível hoje na rede Stellar.

Tendo em vista os projetos das edições passadas, é com muito orgulho que planejamos nos dedicar a esse projeto pelos próoximos meses.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

PIX Integration


nTokens’ BRL Stablecoin is now fully integrated into PIX - the new instant payment service in the Brazilian financial system.

PIX innovates Brazilian payments and bank transfers in a completely new environment. PIX users (banks, businesses and the retail public) can now execute instant payments 24x7. Being more secure, fast, and less expensive than previous transference methods available, PIX is bound to revolutionize the Brazilian Financial market.

With that in mind, nTokens is the first stablecoin to integrate on/off ramp services to PIX. Our users can now connect their FIAT Reais to BRL digital tokens in a programmable and instant manner.

If you are currently relying on previous transfer method please let us know and we can guide you through the new features available as well as potential impacts to APIs and expected behaviour.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

Emissão de Tokens

O Real Virtual é uma stablecoin de Reais.
Stablecoins é o termo comumente aplicado a cripto-ativos com valor atrelado a indicadores da economia real. No nosso caso, a relação estável do Real Virtual com reais é estabelecida de forma direta na contrapartida de resgates via transferências bancárias, ou indiretamente no mercado secundário por arbitragem. Em ambos casos, a disponibilidade constante de depósitos de reais correspondentes aos ativos emitidos baliza o valor e uso da moeda.

Ou seja: a emissão de cada Real Virtual em blockchain só ocorre com a verificação e manutenção de Reais de reserva. A reserva é feita em conta segregada sob administração de instituições sob supervisão de regras de moeda eletrônica.

Para maior segurança do sistema , inicialmente apenas agentes previamente registrados poderão participar diretamente da emissão do tokens. O resgate pode ser efetuado diretamente por detentores de tokens desde que com informações de cadastro.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

Real Virtual

Real Virtual é a stablecoin de Reais (BRL) da nTokens.

Uma nova forma de negociar e movimentar reais. O Real Virtual já nasce 24 x 7, global, instantâneo e inserido na nova economia. Mais que digital, o ambiente dos reais virtuais é uma rede de dados.

Nesse ambiente, movimentar valores é tão rápido quanto enviar um email. Na nTokens acreditamos que, muito além da possibilidade de facilitar a movimentação peer-to-peer, a estrutura de dados permite uma gama maior de inovações. Em outras áreas, plataformas de redes de dados trouxeram muita inovação com notificações, contexto, personalização, relacionamentos e acesso a informação.

Trazidos ao mundo financeiro, plataformas de negócios vão inovar com mais acesso. A aplicação de princípios de ciência de dados e moedas programáveis.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

BRL Anchor on Stellar

We are the BRL Anchor on Stellar Network

nTokens is proud to be part of Stellar Network. We share Stellar's goal towards equitable access to financial system, and our interaction with Stellar Development Foundation brought to light our common values and principles. Our BRL stablecoin is live, in production since December 2019.

As Anchors, what nTokens do?

We issue BRL tokens on Stellar Network. Our tokens are backed by Brazilian Reais.

We bridge Stellar network to the Brazilian banking system. By allowing interoperability among Stellar applications and local banking rails. Services built on Stellar thus can more reliably offer BRL nominated products to their customers.

In order to do so, nTokens must keep a thorough equivalence between values held on For every BRL token on chain, there is always a fiat BRL deposited on a reserve account. Reserves custodian being a regulated bank, and funds being in either cash availability or in strictly liquid treasury deposits. This account is segregated, nTokens not being the beneficiary. Holders can safely know that even in a case of discontinuity of nTokens operations the equivalence of funds is preserved.

Another import aspect will be verifiability of funds. Outstanding tokens can be are easily verified on Stellar network. As to BRL reserve funds, initially this happens through static informational pages. We plan to soon move to API-triggered live data feed of account balance and movements of BRL. Platforms integrated to nTokens have additional API direct access to information from custodian institution.

We work hard to focus in delivering a great interoperability service; users should have a smooth on/off ramp experience. As we integrate different platforms we will make sure we constantly improve service in terms of speed and transparence.

We invite all readers to know more about Stellar Network, their technology, and mission.

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Thomaz Teixeira Thomaz Teixeira

Introducing nTokens

Introducing nTokens

nTokens is a programmable money company.  Our work is to bring scalable and innovative approach to global financial markets.  We believe balancing customer-centred development and business ethics leads to value creation.

Our initial product is a Brazilian Real stablecoin.  Initially running on Stellar Network and Ethereum, the stablecoin allows people and businesses to transition from banking fiat system to crypto finance and vice-versa.


Where we are coming from

nTokens's team have each over 20 years experience in traditional finance, tech infrastructure and security industries. During the bulk of our professional life we took part of digitalisation of traditional financial system.

Enters blockchain. It brought disruptive new possibilities of disintermediation and new ways to store and transfer capital. Tokenisation of financial markets, decentralisation of trading and programmable contracts requires a new suite of financial capabilities and players. And a new perspective, such as a reversion of the data ownership model from platform to users.


Looking forward

Those trends are not likely to retreat. People will be more digitally connected.  Digital interactions push for better, safer and easier ways to interact.  And generates even more data.  Business looking to lever on ata are likely to seek support on AI and programmable processes.  As industries fit new methods in existing regulatory principles, regulators cope to see relations through existing legal framework.

Building infra-structure for this burgeoning industry is our challenge. We develop tools that allows businesses to unlock value and bring benefits to their customers.


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